Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So I guess it's official...

Obama wins the U.S. presidency. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet...

I guess there's so much I could say, describe the place, but I don't know what you all want to hear about :) The plan is for Adele, Deborah, and I to take the Rocket down to Khulna tomorrow. We'll leave sometime in the afternoon and arrive Friday night. The Rocket is a boat. I was going to describe it more, but when I asked Deborah to expound, she said, "It's a boat like you've never seen before. It's...uh...maybe I should let you see it first, then you can describe it." She said we'll feel like we're back in the 1800s, though it is motorized. Anyway, it should be interesting!

Yesterday we ran some errands and I did a bit of shopping. I got two salwar kameez outfits (though one doesn't have the pants part, but rather a skirt) and a sari. The sari shops are overwhelming! There are floor to ceiling shelves with layers and layers of fabrics. It's hard to focus enough to pick out anything. We went to a few shops before I found one I really liked...I felt bad leaving those other stores, though, without buying something from those poor guys, after making them pull out several saris and lay them out, just so I could shake my head and point to a different one. But, alas, I found a lovely blue, green, and black one, so now I just have to take it to the tailor to have the blouse piece made. At the shops, they just have the blouse fabric attached to the end of the sari, because saris are one size fits all, but the blouses are made to fit exactly.

So, what else do you want to know about? I think when we get to Khulna, I can put pictures up. That would be nice, eh?

1 comment:

beth said...

We would like to hear abou conv., the people you've met, what you've been doing and any stories that Deb. and Adele have to share.So if you please...