Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I have arrived!

Not much time, as I'm borrowing someone else's laptop, but just wanted to give a quick update. I got in last night and Deborah Unfortunately, she's not feeling well, and her fever this morning is 102. So we're not sure right now what, exactly, the problem is, but maybe I'll have more info later.

As I expected, actually being here is quite different from imagining what it would be like. It's not that it's so much different from what I thought, but seeing it in real life is interesting. The traffic is horrendous! As Deborah described it, they see an open spot in the road and they think, "That shouldn't be there." There are no lanes or really any traffic laws, it seems. And I didn't realize they drive on the left, etc., like the British.

I really don't have more time now, but I'll try to write more later.


beth said...

Glad to hear, once again, that you have arrived safely. Very sorry to hear Deb is not well. MAKE SURE SHE TAKES CARE OF HERSELF! Sit on her if you have to!;)

Thing2 said...

There goes that 'civilian' status...With Deborah being sick, I am sure the staff would be anxious for any help they could get - and with so many opportunities this summer, undoubtedly, you would have plenty to share...what a great opportunity for you to step right in and help with her speaking duties. I would suggest, though, not wearing the new red shoes. I don't think even Miss Judy would approve.

Thing2 said...

Just realized that it is tomorrow over there...sooooo....with that in mind (you can hum the tune if you are to embarrassed to sing solo, Katia)

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Katia
Happy Birthday to you

PS: Your car looks lovely - we decked it out again in honor of the occasion.

PPS: I think that there has been an impostor on some of these recent blog entries....noted a few grammatical errors - HORRORS. The Katia I know would never do that!!!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say a belated Happy Birthday!! Wanted to write to you on Monday, and didn't get it done!! I'm finally catching up on your blog, just read about Deborah being sick...will have to get the update when I get back in a few. The kids are missing you SO much!! Aleaha wants to know when the "new girl" is coming back! All the very best, glenda and the gang